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Business Cards That Mirror Your Business Image

Seasoned business owners would tell you that retaining customers is the hardest part of marketing. It is much easier to attract new customers than to keep them coming back to your business. You simply present something unique to a first time customer and they would likely grab the opportunity. But do the same to an old customer and would likely turn their back if you were not able to satisfy them the first time around.

Fortunately, there are easy and tested strategies to keep customers from coming back to you. Next to providing them excellent products or services, you need to keep them reminded of you. And a good way to do that is through business cards. If your prospects have your contact details at hand all the time, you are greatly encouraging them to contact your anytime, anywhere.

Hopefully you already have a well designed business card today. But if your present cards are already outdated and needs a major revamp, here are simple tactics to create a business card that delivers a good and lasting first impression.

Get professional services. Many people think that hiring a professional printer and designer would cost a lot. But contrary to popular belief, there are printing services today that offer high quality business cards at exceptionally affordable prices. So, unless you are the artistic skill to design an engaging business card, you better turn to the experts when it comes to your business cards.

Simplicity, simplicity, and simplicity. A standard business card is only 3.5 by 2 inches in size. Obviously, you do not have a lot of space to use all your creative ideas in the card. So, as much as possible put only the important details and do not stuff your card with too much images, texts, and graphics. Put enough white space to make it easy for people to read your contact details.

Stick with the standard size. Unless you are the creative, adventurous type, you need to stick with the standard business card size. Although a round or square business card is catchy and memorable, this type of card can be hard to fit in a standard business card holder. If you are willing to trade convenience for memorable card, then by all means create an unusually shaped card. But if want your card to be kept rather than left untouched in the filing cabinet, then stick with the standard size.

Be careful in the information you put in your business card templates. Essentially, the important details that should be in your card are your business name, phone number, address, and email address. Any other details aside from them are only nuisance in your card. A clean and simple design is always advisable as they do not clutter the card design. So, be sure not to overcrowd the details in your card to create a readable and well presented business card.

Every time you design your business card, always think of your target customers. Think of how they will react to your cards. Will they keep your cards if your font is too small to read? Will they think less of your card if it is not printed by a professional printer? Would your customers easily know what you do by simply looking at your card?

Do not create the wrong impression with your business cards. Make sure that your card reflects you and your business effectively.

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Business Cards That Mirror Your Business Image

By: Lynne Saarte

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