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Business Promotion Through Facebook

Facebook can be used for not only promotion of your business profile but also for the purpose of advertisement. Facebook gives you the option of creating your advertisements in a few simple steps. Well managed professional SEO services in India can result in high traffic in your Facebook profile and ultimately to your website. The popularity of Facebook has never shown any signs of dipping and its upward trend still continues even after crossing the 200 million mark. Some companies who can deservedly claim to be the best SEO company like Bigmouthmedia, Vertical-leap of UK, Go4promotion and Alkemi of Australia have plenty to offer.

Professional SEO services from them can really help a business gain a lot of new customers and build up brand reputation through Facebook alone. They use the following methods for your business:

Creation of Business Profile

This is the first step of business promotion through Facebook. The business profile on Facebook is not merely a blog as there are a lot of applications for user interactivity besides being open to search engines such as Google and Yahoo when someone types in the relevant keywords.

Expansion of Business Network

The business network on Facebook is developed by inviting people to join you or your Facebook profile. If those who have joined you on Facebook list you as favorite or list themselves as your fans, any blog that you write in your profile or any change that you make in your profile will show in their profiles. You can try to get as many people to add your business profile in their friends list on Facebook.

Business Promotion

The info tab on the business profile page of Facebook offers you the opportunity to give a link to your companys website after some information about the company. If there is a companys blog, the articles posted there can be easily imported into the Facebook profile for promotion. The traffic can be exponentially increased if a dedicated team providing professional SEO services is there to help you out. Some top companies offering SEO services in India also provide SMO schemes for such Facebook promotion.

The Facebook Marketplace

Facebook specifically provides for marketing of the products and services through what is called Facebook Marketplace. It is a free option to promote your business and make sales. You can refer your company website for the potential customers to go and know more about the products and services or know more about the business.

Facebook Advertisement

Facebook offers you comprehensive advertising options and it is much the same as the pay per click or per thousand impressions as run by Google. You can create your ad in simple steps to drive traffic to your website.

Bigmouthmedia, Vertical-leap of UK, Go4promotion or Alkemi of Australia are some companies wich can really help you out in planning and implementing your Facebook business promotion campaign.

by: liga matroze

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