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Excellent Business Opportunity From Home--work From Home!

After serving in the Army for four years, I returned home to Columbia with the intention of starting my own security consultancy firm. At the same time, I wanted to ask for my girlfriend's hand in marriage.

I had sufficient money in the bank for only one, though. That's why I started my search for a business opportunity from home that would allow me to follow through with my idea. And I was looking for something just for the meantime until my agency becomes more stable.

On the internet, I came upon Safety Technology, drop ship wholesalers that offered a business opportunity from home for reselling hidden cameras and surveillance systems. A Pro Series dome camera won me over in particular.

The professional class spy camera has a 4 mm lens and extremely light-sensitive image sensor that could film footage very well even in poorly lit areas. It is also equipped with a high-resolution 1/3-inch Sony CCD chip and 420 TW lines.

I didn't wish to overwhelm my potential clients with complicated instructions. The Pro Series dome camera is really user-friendly. All you have to do is plug it in and it does all the rest. And with its 4-inch diameter, you could hide it conveniently.

Contrary to my initial plan, I continued with my business opportunity from home even after I had my security consultancy firm stable enough on its own. Since some of my clients entrusted me with finding the devices and manpower they would need.

In short, my business opportunity from home actually enhanced the services I could provide with my primary enterprise.

I married my girlfriend on July 2, 2008. We had a videographer record our special day. And there may even be a Pro Series dome camera hiding somewhere on the grounds as well.

by: Kimberly Iaquinto

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