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A Third Party Review Of DrinkACT – Is DrinkACT A Good Business Opportunity?

If you're reading this review, chances are you are looking into a company called DrinkACT. Although DrinkACT has been around for a few years, it has recently been getting a lot of buzz online. If you're thinking about joining DrinkACT, I want to encourage you to read this entire review so you are equipped to make an educated decision about the company. I also want to disclose that I'm not a DrinkACT rep so you'll be getting an unbiased review.

First things first, let's cover who DrinkACT is as a company. DrinkACT is a debt-free company that sells nutritional products through a network marketing business model. It was founded in 2005 by Joel and Steve Wallach, and is the fastest growing company within the Youngevity Family of Companies. While the company is based out of Chula Vista, California, it ships products to over 50 countries.

In addition, DrinkACT seems to have a solid management team in place. Based on the information on their company website, the management team has over 100 years of combined experience in sales and network marketing. In addition, Dr. Charles King, who is a well respected and known network marketing advocate and college professor, is involved with DrinkACT as a consultant. I'm not exactly sure how deep Dr. King's involvement is with the company. However, the fact that Dr. King is featured on their website definitely gives DrinkACT a tremendous amount of credibility.

As far as their products go, DrinkACT markets several health related products. It's flagship product is A.C.T. Energy, which is an energy drink that comes in a 12-ounce can. According to their website, A.C.T. Energy works at the cellular level to give you long lasting energy you can feel in minutes. It also contains vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are beneficial to your health. In addition, they also market a super-juice beverage called SaXi and a couple of different weight loss products.

Now, let's go over the DrinkACT business opportunity. There are several ways you can join the company. You can come in at the bronze package ($249), the silver package ($498) or the gold package ($747). In order to max out the compensation plan, you'll also need to maintain a monthly autoship order of products.

According to their website, DrinkACT pays out $.50 for every business $1 that comes into the company, which means they pay out 50% of their revenue back to the field. There are 7 different ways you can make money in the compensation plan, including a luxury car program for top producers. All in all, there is a good balance of immediate and residual income. Assuming you can keep your team members on autoship, which shouldn't be a challenge since the company website states there is a 80% customer retention rate, you can build a really nice residual income with DrinkACT's compensation plan.

In closing, DrinkACT is a very credible company with a solid business opportunity. They have an experienced management team, quality products and a generous pay out. However, you will need more this to succeed. It's one thing to have a great opportunity, but at the end of the day, your success will be based on your ability to sponsor people and sell products. If you can't do those two things, you can forget about having any type of success. But if you can use a marketing system that will allow you to generate leads, you can potentially be on your way to building a huge DrinkACT business.

A Third Party Review Of DrinkACT Is DrinkACT A Good Business Opportunity?

By: Jaime Soriano

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