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subject: How To Get The Best Deal On Custom Wedding Favors [print this page]

How To Get The Best Deal On Custom Wedding Favors

If you are in the market for custom wedding favors and other wedding items, the internet is your best source to get a great deal. A great wedding website can get you great savings on everything from custom wedding favors for others or wedding glasses for you and your husband to toast at the reception.

An accredited online wedding supply company can often supply you with a greater range of custom wedding favors at lower prices than your local retail outlet. You can find just about anything and everything at some wedding supply websites. Whether it is wedding magnets (or save-the-date wedding magnets) which can be used as custom favors or wedding glasses with your names and wedding date, it can pay to selectively shop online.

But you may wonder how this is possible. There are a few reasons why the prices on wedding glasses and other wedding favors might be better at an online wedding site. The primary reason is that an online wedding supply company can order items directly from the manufacturer. With more money directed toward inventory, and less spent on a local storefront and local advertising, custom wedding glasses and wedding favors can be printed and turned into your custom wedding items for the very lowest price.

This means that only one shipping cost will be charged and that is the cost of shipping the wedding glasses or custom wedding favors from the manufacturers to you. Instead of spending the time and expense of having them printed and sent to the supplier and then sent on to you. Making use of a large warehouse means that the custom wedding favors are brought in large quantities, printed on a per-order basis and then sent out.

Of course, working with an online wedding supplies company means you must be careful and do plenty of research on the company before you order. Anyone can build a slick website these days and this author has heard numerous tales of online wedding companies giving poor service, not meeting deadlines, and delivering inferior printing quality.

You want to make sure that the company you choose can deliver the quantity that you need in time for your big day. Ideally, you would order your wedding favors far enough in advance that they can be sent back or reordered if any changes or alterations need to be made to them.

When you are reviewing the terms and conditions, you may want to make sure that there are no minimum amounts for orders that need to be met. There are some companies that can supply you with custom wedding favors such as wedding glasses but they have a minimum total that you need to order or you may be charged an additional fee to cover the cost of processing a smaller order. This, along with shipping fees may end up markedly increasing the cost of your order overall.

Something else to keep in mind is that you may be able to get a better price per item if you buy slightly more than you need. Often a wedding supply site will offer price breaks at even carton quantities. Take for example, which packs custom printed wedding glasses at 144 pieces per carton. You dont want to order 135 pieces and then pay a higher price overall. Rather than ordering a precise number, if you are only a few pieces off of the next price bracket you may want to order more so that you can take advantage of the savings. In addition, if the favors are fragile, such as wedding glasses or shot glasses you will have a few extras if any of them chip or break.

Taking the time to research any wedding supply website can be the surest bet for getting a great deal. Comparing different wedding favor websites for price and reputation can you is certainly one of the best uses of your time when planning a wedding.

by: Vikram Kumar

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