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Role Of Website In Building Corporate Image And In Turn Boosting Business

A website is an online identity of an individual or an organization on World Wide Web that helps to serve lot of purposes -personal, professional, organizational or public. Technically speaking, a website is a bunch of web pages, graphics, images, animation, and videos that is accessible to one and all in this world through the medium of internet. Hence, a website is not a local or regional identity but a global image of an individual or organization.

Of late, websites are widely being used to meet corporate needs and ambitions. As business and other commercial activities in 21st century are mostly being executed through worldwide online connectivity, it is essential for a company to have a user friendly website to accomplish its project in a smooth way. Globally, websites of different kinds like static website, dynamic website, CMS website, e-commerce website and others are designed and developed by professional designers or web design companies according to specific needs of individuals or companies.

A website nicely designed and technically (through programming) integrated with good functionality helps customers/clients to take the services offered by any company in smooth and effective way. Smooth navigation or browsing, information of services or products offered by the company better presented (web content), quick online payment modes and other facilities integrated with the website help clients do online business transactions effectively. Hence, it (website) creates a positive image for the company in the mind of customer. And a customer fully satisfied with the services provided by a company is a good source of advertisement in favor of the company. His links and interactions with people in day to day activities give back support to the company and help in creating good corporate and public image for the company.

Maximum number of people in developed countries and well educated people in developing countries like India and china are tech-savvy and generally use internet and do online shopping. If a company from any part of the world offers online service to millions of these tech-savvy people must have a good website. eBay and furnish ideal examples in this online shopping category. These two have their websites integrated with very good functionality and linkage. They provide online shopping services successfully to their customers globally through their outstanding websites. The market grip of these two companies help us easily understand how a good website can build corporate image and boost business irrespective of the sector any company deals in.

by: Prashant Kumar

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