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subject: The Smallest Property Can Benefit From A Veranda [print this page]

The Smallest Property Can Benefit From A Veranda

Verandas come in all kinds of styles and shapes. There is the gazebo style veranda, which gives an open-air feel and enables you to enjoy the fresh air while being sheltered from the sun. Then there is the curved roof verandah. This benefits from its shape of the roof, which is higher at the centre of the curve, giving a feeling of openness and extra space.

There are several other designs as well. The sunroof design enables you to benefit from the sun when you wish. The louvered design is ideal for those who don't want to be shaded from the sun all the time. You can open and close them using a remote unit. And if it starts to rain, they will close even if you aren't there to do it yourself. This is because the louvers have a sensor that enables them to close if the weather turns nasty.

Some people believe these verandahs are designed only for larger properties. But this is not true. Verandahs can be created in different sizes to suit the properties for which they are intended. Even if you have a small property and a small garden the right style of verandah can enhance what you have.

Making the most of a small space

You may be slightly restricted if you have a small property. Some styles of outdoor verandahs need a certain size to work properly. For example an outback gable veranda with flat sections either side wouldn't look good if you tried to squeeze it onto the end of an extension measuring two metres wide.

Small spaces generally require simple designs to enhance them. A flat roofed veranda is ideal. A simple design doesn't draw too much attention and yet it offers the required shade you need. The verandah should blend with the house and not overshadow it.

Consider a pergola if you want a minimalist design. Simple and unfussy, it can also be made as a freestanding structure. If you move house, the pergola can move with you.

Discussing the ideal size

You may have ideas for what you want, but the best way to get the best result is to discuss your needs with an experienced company. They can advise you which structures will work in the space you have. If privacy is an issue, you may be able to have side screens fitted as well.

No two properties or owners will have exactly the same needs. But a verandah is no less important in a small garden than it is in a large one. You will want to connect your small property with its garden in a sympathetic and stylish way. An experienced and knowledgeable company can help you do that.

A veranda can also enlarge a small property. By making the garden space more inviting, the property also becomes bigger. This is an advantage when it comes to selling, as more people will see the advantages of having a veranda as part of their home.

by: Rebecca Jane

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