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subject: Easier Business Trips to North Carolina With WiMax From Greensboro to Raleigh [print this page]

Easier Business Trips to North Carolina With WiMax From Greensboro to Raleigh

When it comes to business travel, one of the most convenient ways to stay in the loop is knowing that technology is on one's side. This is the difference between checking into a hotel late at night where there is supposed to be Wi-Fi, only to find that no feasible connection to the web exists, yet it's still time to turn in a substantial amount of feedback to a boss. And these are not just the business travel troubles of those heading to more remote or far-flung parts of the country. Just as many people on the road for work find themselves in conundrums involving communications at the heart of business travel-friendly cities like Greensboro and Raleigh. Sometimes, the technology in place just doesn't help those who are on the road for work at getting things done quickly and efficiently.

One major step in the right direction so far has been more reliable wireless internet, though there are still plenty of tales where Wi-Fi has gone wrong and truly disrupted one's workflow. In general, if it is during normal business hours and business travelers have fair warning, figuring out a place anywhere in North Carolina to get online rather than taking advantage of the Wi-Fi in one's hotel room is not entirely impossible. After all, there are plenty of chain restaurants and cafes like Panera and Starbucks that provide a reliable signal, and this can sometimes be enough to get some work done. Likewise, the growing popularity of smartphones makes it much more reasonable to turn to a mobile device, too, when the net is needed simply for firing off some quick emails.

However, better business travel definitely goes hand in hand with mobile web connectivity, and when it comes to getting things done well and efficiently, sometimes a larger device is necessary. With a smartphone, it might be possible to send important emails or watch a silly video from YouTube in one's down time, but all of the work in question is still going to be done via the cell phone. And for most people, working from that small of a screen is not going to cut it, especially in the situation where serious work-related matters are on the line. Since most travelers heading to major business conventions in Greensboro and Raleigh are in need of larger-format technology, connections like WiMax make more sense than sticking with Wi-Fi or trying to make things work via cell phone.

Unlike with typical Wi-Fi connections, those who are getting online via WiMax will find that location has nothing to do with the power and potential of a user's ability to surf the web. Because the system that powers this next-level form of Wi-Fi is based upon towers that criss-cross the country with signal, not unlike those powering cell phones, there is no need to find a specific spot where one can get connected. And this means a less stressful time on the road, more ample signal, and a generally far superior experience surfing the web. For those who need reliable ways to stay in the loop while working from the road, there is no better solution to the stresses of business from far away.

Easier Business Trips to North Carolina With WiMax From Greensboro to Raleigh

By: Oswald Melman

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