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subject: Texas And California, The Most Densely Inhabited And Athletically Talented States [print this page]

Texas And California, The Most Densely Inhabited And Athletically Talented States

As the popular, though admittedly not even close to always correct, saying goes "bigger is better". Though clearly not true in all cases, this popular phrase does in fact often hold true for sports, especially for the states of Texas and California. As athletic events have evolved into more of a business than just a way to stay in shape and something done for the love of the game, leagues have constantly been, sometimes correctly, accused of trying to make teams in bigger media markets better and more successful. For example, a team in Los Angeles or a team in Dallas would get more focus in the media than a team from a smaller city, and that is just the way things go. Being in a large media market also helps the Texas Contract Warehouse industry and the California Contract Warehouse industries, as more people are in need of warehouses in a larger metropolitan area. Partly, because they have the aforementioned advantage, Texas and California professional sports teams have nearly always done well in the recent and distant past.

The second winningest NBA team in the history of the sport is the Los Angeles Lakers, who are behind only the Boston Celtics in terms of most titles won by a specific team. Although in the past they were the Minneapolis Lakers, which of course is more logical because there are for more lakes in Minnesota than California, most of the team's large success has been in the city of angels. Recently, the team has won two consecutive NBA titles under the leadership of future hall of fame coach Phil Jackson and future hall of fame competitor Kobe Bryant. Previously, the team was most successful when it had point guard Magic Johnson, another hall of famer, and a variation of other different famous players.

Another mostly winning professional sports team in California is the NFL's San Francisco 49er's. The team has recently been quite poor but previously had excellent runs under quarterbacks Joe Montana, widely considered one of the greatest of all time, and Steve Young. Four championships were garnered with Montana under center in the mid to late 1980's and a further three were obtained under the leadership of Steve young in the early 1990's.

Almost all of the success of Texas in terms of national professional sports, is due to the Dallas Cowboys of the National Football League. The team was in fact so popular in the 1980's and 1990's that they were given the nickname America's Team. The team has been winning for so long that they are actually first in terms of Super Bowl appearances with eight and tied for second in terms of wins with five.

In the world of sports, typically the phrase bigger is better is actually true. The larger the area a team is in the more media exposure they get and the more "help" it is sometimes asserted that they receive from the league they are in to become successful, as is exemplified by the large success in professional sports by teams from the large states of Texas and California.

by: Connor Sullivan

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