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subject: What Social Media Can Do For Your Small Business [print this page]

What Social Media Can Do For Your Small Business

In the last few years social media has literally taken over the world. Earlier it was reported that Facebook is more visited than Google and its not surprising that social media has been dubbed the new word-of-mouth, anyone that has an opinion (whether positive or negative) can easily share it online.

Many businesses find social media daunting, mostly because they dont know how to use the various social media platforms or theyre scared people are going to make negative comments about their brand or social media attempts. Whether you like it or not, there will always be people that will talk negatively about your brand. Its is better to have a presence wherever these comments are made than to ignore it. The great thing is that social (and all other online media) allow you to track what is being said where about your brand online.

So, how can social media help your business?

In South Africa there are approximately 2 446 760 Facebook users (that are 18 years and older) and 55 000 active Twitter users. Social media is not just another craze that is going to fade away soon. Social media is here to stay.

Creating a full social media strategy takes time and consideration. You have to take in to account your target audience, on which platforms they are spending their time and what other interests they might have among others. This will determine on which social networks you are going to focus your attention, what type of content you are going to publish on your profiles and what type of applications you are going to use to manage your profiles to name a few.

Would you like to know more? The Twenty3Media team can help you create, implement and manage a social media strategy that will connect you with your customers on the platforms they are already spending their time on.

by: Twenty3Media

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