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Mlm Tools To Revamp Your Mlm Business

Without utilizing tools in a network marketer's business, failure is most inevitable. Tools are a critical piece in building a successful network marketing organization, however, they must be chosen with care. There are a plethora of tools offered, however, using too many will drain your bank account quicker than a teenager in Orange County! Most networkers primarily use their company-sponsored tools, however, this is business suicide! Remember, the MASSES of network marketers are using their company tools to build their business, hence, the 97% failure rate in our profession. There are a savvy few who have discovered some valuable tools, that when used in conjunction with company tools, give them a better chance of promoting to the 3% who are actually successful in this profession!

So, 'What are these fantastic tools' you ask? I will list them below, however know that I will not be including company-sponsored tools, but they are also critical to your success. You need to invest in them along with the tools below! These tools are not used by the masses, therefore, to have any chance of success, you must be one of the savvier networkers and implement them today!

1. My Lead System Pro (MLSP). The bread and butter of any network marketing business is the prospect list. Without a list, an MLM business is dead in the water. Traditionally, network marketers are told to add two new prospects per day to our list that we have just met, been introduced to, etc. That said, the savvier network marketers understand that 2/day is the average and will keep you at an average, or less than average outcome. Adding 20, 30, 40+ a day is the ONLY way to reach financial success quickly and more efficiently in this profession. There are a lot of systems and tools online that offer lead generation, however, the #1 Lead Attraction Marketing System online did not get to #1 by not working. Ask most anyone inside of MLSP if they like it and you'll get an earful! This is, by far, the best system out there for the money and when YOU implement the marketing strategies taught, you will be adding 30+ leads a day to your list within three months without batting and eye! Finding a leader inside of MLSP that can coach you on where and how to start is key! Choose someone who is a member, but isn't utilizing the system, then you'll be in the same position you are today!

2 - Auto-Responders or Relationship Builders - These are CRITICAL to your success. Hands down, critical. Auto-responders allow you to keep in touch with your list and consistently build relationships. You may say, 'Yeah, but they are so impersonal!' On the contrary. They are only impersonal when they are slapped together and sent out a few times per week. However, when you deliver valuable information that will help these people learn more about our profession, they will see you as a leader and will continue to follow you. Also remember, when you are generating 30 leads/day, it is physically impossible to personally contact all these people a couple of times per week and still keep up with new leads coming in daily. Auto-responders keep your name in front of prospects and we know that prospects must see our name seven times before they trust you. When you are bringing value to your list a couple of times per week, you are now building trust and loyalty with your prospect list. Why do people join you in a business? Because the know, like and trust you. NOT because you have the best compensation plan or product!

3 - The last two tools are ones that I have implemented because of two marketing strategies I learned through MLSP. I chose to use Video marketing & Article marketing to build my business and these two strategies have been a slam dunk for me. That said, they wouldn't have been had I not implemented the next two tools. The first being Unique Article Wizard. Once an article is written, the key is to get people to read it and view it. I upload my article into UAW and, depending on your niche market, UAW will distribute that content to all related directories. So for network marketing-related articles, UAW distributes my articles to over 950+ directories. What does that mean? That means there there are two links per article that direct readers to my website(s). I write and article per day, so 2 backlinks x 950 article sites = 1900 sites per day are linking people to my site. Now, every article I write is supported by a video, again, linking people to my site. Each video is uploaded to Traffic Geyser, another favorite tool of mine, and bam, Traffic Geyser distributes that to hundreds of video sites, again, creating more backlinks. So every day, there are over 2100+ backlinks to my website added to the internet. Backlinks = traffic! This is a good thing!

These have been the most significant tools for me. I use other tools daily, but building on a budget, these are the most important ones to use, and I have listed them in order of importance! Without these tools, I'd still be grinding away hoping to build my global organization with 2 new prospects per day. These tools are life-changing and I can only hope that more network marketers get out of the comfort zone and implement them daily!

by: Vidette Vanderweide

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