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subject: How Much Does Insurance Cost For A 16 Year Old [print this page]

The scariest thing for any parent is the day their teenagers are turning sixteen. This is the time when they will come to you and ask you to teach them to drive so that they can drive around on their own. Of course will this be scary, as younger people do not really realize the dangers they can encounter on the road. Not to mention the fact that this is the age where they will take chances to show off in front of their friends or even have a drink or two and try driving. You are the one with the experience, so it is hard for a parent not to worry about what might be happening to their children while they are driving around the town. This must be something, which is in the nature of every parent. How much does insurance cost for a 16 year old?

Young children do not have the kind of driving experience, which an older person would have. The possibilities that they might end up in an accident is good.

They might end up doing the wrong things, not because they are not careful, but because they panic when they see the amount of traffic around them. This is however, something that all of us had to go through and look, we came out as fine drivers.

In order to ease your nerves a bit you can try to send your child for proper driving lessons. If they pass, you will feel better knowing that your child can actually drive.

Unfortunately, insurance companies will consider your teenager as part of the high-risk group of drivers. This is not only people at the age of sixteen.

The age group extends to twenty-five years of age. The stories of women are better drivers than the men are true when it comes to insurance, as they regard men more of a high risk than women. You as a parent might have one of the cleanest driving records around, but if your children are young and you try to cover them, you will surely have a heart attack if you see the premiums.

This is only because they are a higher risk as they did not have a chance to build their own driving record. You will see as time progresses, your premiums might reduce depending on the driving record of your child. As mentioned, the premiums will be high. You can expect to pay up to three thousand dollars per month on premiums alone.

by: Lance Thorington

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