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Basic Tips To Help You Find Cheap Car Insurance

Everyone who drives a car needs auto insurance. Of course, we all would like to pay the least amount possible and still have the proper coverage. Fortunately, you can find cheap car insurance that will keep you protected by considering a few key factors.

The first thing to understand is there are two basic types of car insurance. These are known as liability and comprehensive policies. One of these is essential and the other may be optional, depending on your individual situation.

Liability is absolutely necessary for all drivers. In fact, most areas of the country have laws that require minimum coverage amounts in order to legally operate a motor vehicle. Liability insurance covers the other person in the event you should cause an accident that would result in damage or personal injury.

This would cover payments for damages and medical expenses that would be incurred in the event you have caused an accident. If you want the absolute lowest price, you can purchase the minimum amount of coverage that is required. However, if you are involved in a serious collision, you will be personally responsible for damages or injuries that exceed the minimum amounts.
Basic Tips To Help You Find Cheap Car Insurance

Comprehensive insurance is a policy that pays for losses involving your own vehicle. This usually includes theft, vandalism, weather damage and similar kinds of coverage. This is normally only required if you owe on the car and the lender insists that you carry it. Naturally, if your vehicle has substantial value, you will want to have it.

This is one area where you have the most control over how much you will have to pay. By increasing the deductible amount, you can get lower monthly premium payments. The deductible is the amount you have to pay yourself when you make a claim. For example, you may wish to have a five hundred dollar deductible policy and pay for small damages like cracked windows or scratches. This significantly lowers your payments.

Also, if you have an older car without much of a market value, you may want liability only. If you insure a car that is not worth much, the cost of the insurance payments could easily exceed the value of the car. Remember that an insurance company will only pay for repairs up to the market value of the vehicle.

The best advice is always to shop around. The companies that give your friends and relatives the best deal may not be able to do the same for you. The reason for this is that different companies have different criteria for who they prefer to insure. A company that gives your parents a good price may specialize in people of that age group. The fellow you work with may get a break because of the part of town he lives in.

The main thing is to search for and discover a company that matches your specific profile. Get as many quotes as possible and do not rely strictly on recommendations from other people.

by: Lance Thorington

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