subject: Tips To Get The Lowest Car Insurance [print this page] Nobody likes to pay more for their car insurance than is absolutely necessary. If you are the type of individual that loves to find discounts then you are in the right place. This article will help you to understand how you can knock off hundreds of bucks form the cost of your next policy.
Pay up front: if you can afford to pay for the policy in one go then it would be much cheaper than having to fork out on monthly payments. This is because a one off payment up front would not incur any interest charges as would be the case otherwise.
Use the Net: if you do not go online when searching for quotes then you will be wasting a lot of money and effort. Today there are far more insurers operating in the online realm than there are on the streets of our towns and cities. As competition is intense there can be excellent deals available from internet based agents. If you fall into a niche group, for example a young driver or female driver, then it is worthwhile searching for an online insurance firm that deals solely with people who fall into these categories. Also, it is far more convenient and comfortable to check out the options online from your own home than it is visiting insurers in person.
Convertibles: It is a fact that a soft top or convertible car would be a lot more to insure than a regular vehicle. This is simply because they are easy to break in to, all that is needed is a pocket knife or razor blade, and also as they are usually high performance sporty cars. Also, medical costs would be higher if there was an accident as you are more likely to have a serious injury. Choose eco friendly models for the cheapest cover.
Advanced training: Did you know that you can be provided with a lot more economical quotes if you can prove to the insurer that you are a capable driver. Taking an advanced driving course would not only improve your handling skills, if passed you can also reduce the cost of your premium by as much as fifty per cent. This would be an option worth considering more if you are a young or newly qualified driver.
Named drivers: How many people are listed as named drivers on your car? The more there are the more expensive the premium would be. If you have a clean record then this is a more important factor.
Breakdown cover: Quite often a policy would include breakdown cover. By making sure that your battery, oil, and water levels are always adequate then you will have no need to avail of this aspect of the policy and then may be eligible for a no call out bonus at the end of the premium's term.
Compare insurers: As there are so many businesses offering auto insurance today it is important to check out the information from as many as possible. You can even play one company off of another to lower the quotes that you are given.
by: Lance Thorington
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