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subject: The Basics Of Starting A Business Website On A Budget [print this page]

The Basics Of Starting A Business Website On A Budget

One of the best things about the Internet is that nearly everyone can participate. This is especially true for those who wish to have a business website. In comparison to traditional brick and mortar storefronts, businesses on the World Wide Web can be built easily and inexpensively too.

Of course, the more money any business has to spend, the quicker and easier it is to see results. However, a Net business can offer the little guy a lot more opportunity for a much smaller investment than traditional marketplaces.

In many cases, the key is simply in gaining the right knowledge to do things yourself. For example, to build a store to display your goods in the physical world would not be practical or possible for most people.

It would take years to learn the skills to erect your own facility and would require a considerable amount of financial resources as well. In contrast, anyone with the desire and a reasonable amount of computer skills can design a website.

In fact, you probably already know someone who could do it for you or show you how to get started. There are excellent tutorials all over the Web and you can get very good web building software for free from shareware download sites. A number of hosting companies where you will place your site also offer templates and instructions.

If the type of site you have in mind is extremely complicated, with complex graphics, shopping carts or other intricate configurations, you could always hire a professional design company to do the work. But, you would be better off starting up a simpler site you will be able to manage on your own.

You will also need to choose a domain registration and hosting service. Search online with any major search engine or Internet directory and do a little shopping for one that fits your budget. There are many options and some are available for just a few dollars a month and a few are offered for free.

Once you have your site up and running, you will need to find customers. If your budget prohibits purchasing advertising, traffic can still be driven to your site with methods that will only cost you your time. Once again, you can pay someone else to do this for you, but you can save a bundle by spending the time to learn and do it yourself.

First, learn about keywords and SEO. This is information that you need to be sure you get toward the top of the list on search engines. Another cheap or free way to advertise is through article marketing. Many people have success through social networks like Twitter or Facebook.

In any event, these basic concepts are all you need to get started. The most important factor in success on a budget is to gain as much knowledge as you can and do as much of the work as possible on your own. Best of all, thanks to the Internet itself, this knowledge is free.

by: Lance Thorington

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