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subject: Firesense Mojave Infrared Heater Review [print this page]

Fire sense Mojave sun infrared pole-mounted electric patio heaters with 1500 watt lamp are offered on sale for just $389 and the substantial discount saves you $140 as the product comes with a listed price of $529. The heavy duty black steel mounted infrared patio heaters with glass front and 1500 watt lamp heats a 9-foot square area that is usually not affected by the blowing wind. That these heaters are priced only at $269 offering a sizeable discount on the listed price of $399 will certainly please you to take one home to chase away the chilling cold. Also, the powdered black infrared patio heaters, available at a very competitive price of $219 with a solid 12% discount on the product, has a great output and, therefore, will perfectly suit your homes. By now you must have realized that these heaters are really less expensive when compared to the propane patio heaters and are the ideal choice now available in the market.

Firesense Mojave Infrared Heater Review

By: Mandy Malone

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