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subject: Can An Entire Business Move On One Weekend? [print this page]

Can An Entire Business Move On One Weekend?

Do you need to relocate? Are you out of space? Need to move over the weekend? These are some common questions asked by firms all over the country. It takes a lot of time and effort to change locations and to do so over a weekend is a daunting task at best. For a large corporation, this is simply not humanly possible. But for a smaller enterprise, it is certainly doable. With the right planning, a little bit of luck, and finding the right moving company, this experience can be made a little more bearable.

If every person in the firm is assigned a specific task and performs it well, the move could theoretically be accomplished without a hitch. However, that is most likely a perfect world scenario. There are always problems, whether it be locked doors or traffic jams, the one constant with any type of move is the unexpected delays that inevitably occur. Since associates aren't expected to be movers, it is best to find a reputable company to transfer all of the furnishings and equipment that will be needed at the new locale. Make sure to label everything properly in order to expedite this process.

By using a service to relocate all of the necessary items, precious time can be conserved that will be used for something else. It is probably best to use the proper containers and padding for the special communication devices. This includes all computers, telephones and servers. These all run the risk of electric shock, so special attention and care should be taken to ensure a safe passage. It might be wise to have the IT department clear the server room of any unnecessary items before allowing the movers in. There is no sense in risking valuable data loss due to a sloppy transfer of equipment.

At the new site, a floor plan should be available to all key members of the move team. They can direct traffic and allow the movers to locate items where they need to go. With the physical labor taken care of, engineers and technicians can reinstall the phone and data networks to be ready for a new business day. This is not a simple task, as wires have to be run, even with a WiFi set up. Each phone and computer line also has to be tested to be sure that it is working. In the server room, the proper temperature and humidity conditions have to be set up.

While there are a ton of little things to do, the most important part is to make sure that everybody has a desk, chair, phone and working computer. If this is accomplished, the move can be considered a success. There will probably be some small items that will need attention in the first month. Problems always crop up with any relocation, but if the big things are handled, the small ones will take care of themselves.

by: Nick Messe

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