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subject: Texas Bride & Groom: San Antonio Wedding Locations [print this page]

Texas Bride & Groom: San Antonio Wedding Locations

If you are like most people, you want your wedding day to be perfect. You want the big white dress, multi tiered cake, flowers everywhere, guests crying and a reception that lets your guests party into the night. To get the magical event of your dreams, you will need the right location, along with lots of planning.

In San Antonio, Riverwalk weddings are popular because of their romantic setting. The river is flanked with mature oak trees that are covered in twinkling lights. There are several wedding chapels on the Riverwalk to choose from, so you will be able to find the venue that is perfect for you. You want to pick a location that will not only provide space for your guests but also provide the ambience you need for the most romantic day of your life.

Many of the San Antonio wedding locations also provide help when planning your wedding. You have enough on your shoulders, so why not choose a venue that will take care of the planning. Certified wedding planners are trained to give you the day you are looking for. Let them use their resources with area florists, caterers, photographers and entertainment so you will have everything you need, with none of the stress of finding it.

You will still need to show up to the venue, exchange vows, greet guests and cut the cake. You will still be an important part of the day, but when you use this venue, you wont have to make sure every detail is addressed. You can focus on your tasks and leave the rest to the pros.

Weddings may seem magical, but the magic doesnt appear without some work. Make sure you have the wedding day you have dreamed of since you were a child with a beautiful wedding venue on the Riverwalk in San Antonio.

by: Jed Crowl

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