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subject: Make Money Online, Start An Ebay Store, Ebay Store Kit [print this page]

Make Money Online, Start An Ebay Store, Ebay Store Kit

Make Money Is Easier Than You Think
Make Money Is Easier Than You Think

So you realize one day you're not making the money you want to make. You would like to have a little extra coming in at the end of the month. Question. Do you have an Internet Business? If you did you could be on your way to quitting your day job and doing what you have always dreamed of doing.

So here's a hint. The internet is being used by millions of people to earn a decent income either part-time or full-time. Now the great thing about an internet business is that you can manage it while you are still working. You can also put it on auto-pilot and generate an income 24X7 365 days a year. So where do you start? Ebay is the answer.


People sell and buy stuff off eBay every day. In fact eBay is responsible for 14 Billion in sales every year. Got your interest peaked? So, if you know how to use eBay, then you don't need to worry about where that extra money at the end of the year is going to come from.

The great thing about an eBay store is that unlike an auction listing, your store items never go away...your store has a permanent url. This allows you to drive customers to your store in lots of ways. Heck, you can even write articles, do a blog where you talk about your eBay store.

The other great things about an eBay store is that you can customize it the way you like. Sell whatever you want. You can even capture email...they say that an email list can be worth $1 a month in increased sales. How does a list of 3000 emails sound to you...yeah $3000 a month.

You should also know that store listings on eBay don' show up in a standard search unless there are just a few of those items on eBay at the time the person is searching. So what you do is rotate items in and out of your store...even rotate them into the auction part of eBay to gain exposure to your eBay store.

So where do you get your products. Not to worry, there is a business channel call drop-shipping where you can find all the products you could want to sell in your eBay store. When someone orders a product in your store, your order is forwarded to a drop shipper who fulfills your orders. They will process the order and delivery it to your customer for you. You make a profit from the price difference between your selling price in your eBay store and the selling price set by your drop shipper.

by: Jess Vess

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