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subject: External workspace makes home-working a viable option for many businesses [print this page]

External workspace makes home-working a viable option for many businesses

Having said that, wherever you adopt as your occasional external workspace has to say something about you and your business. There are so many space options available, from community to creative, quirky to corporate, you can literally choose the impression you want to give and select a space accordingly. The alternatives are infinite in the North East region for both public and private occasional work and meeting space, with easy to access wi-fi increasingly becoming the norm even in spaces you wouldn't naturally associate with business. Cafs, cinemas, libraries, art galleries and community centres, as well as more traditional serviced office space, have a great selection of space that's available on tap, many of which are either free or available for hire by the hour.

External workspace makes home-working a viable option for many businesses

By: Jayne

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