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Learn To Play Texas Hold Em - TX Poker Holdem

Texas holdem has taken the world by storm! It is currently one of the favorite games played by a lot of people all over the world both online and in different casinos. For this reason, more people are interested to learn to play Texas hold em poker. For beginners, you need to know that this poker form has many variations mainly, Limit and No-Limit Texas Holdem. These variations are defined by betting arrangement and Limit and Spread-Limit games are also available.

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No-Limit Holdem

In a No Limit game, players can choose to bet any amount at any point in the game. There are no barriers or restrictions to hold them back when it comes to betting.

Fixed Limit Holdem

If you are just starting to learn to play Texas hold em, then most likely this holdem variation is the ideal one to play. Fixed limit is a type of holdem wherein there is a predetermined betting structure for every betting round with maximum and minimum betting amount. Players have to follow a prearranged bet in accordance to the limit of the game.

Pot Limit Games

In this game of poker, all players can bet any amount during the game but they cannot bet an amount which is higher than the amount of the pot. So for instance, if you are playing a game in which the amount of the pot is $400 then that only means that your bet should not go beyond this amount.

Spread Limit Holdem

In general, spread limit games are more commonly used in a stud game but nowadays it has also been used in Texas holdem and has yielded great results. In this Texas holdem game type, players are allowed to bet any amount provided that it is within a certain specified range. Aside from that the rules of this game type is somewhat similar to a fixed limit game.

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Learn To Play Texas Hold Em - TX Poker Holdem

By: Andrei Felix

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