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Texas Holdem Guide - TX Poker Holdem

Playing poker the holdem way entails a lot of patience, discipline and skills. Winning or losing money is based mainly on the decisions that a player makes and his knowledge about the game. A player has to bear in mind that in every wrong decision he'll make will create a negative expected value for him. Luckily there are several methods you can apply in order to increase the probability of making a correct decision especially if you are playing in a no limit Texas holdem poker card game, so here's your Texas holdem guide.

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Observe your opponents

Pay attention and take note who among your opponents are tight and who among them are loose players, furthermore, find out who are on a winning streak and who have been solid players. It is important to determine how much a preflop raise that usually other players make to win the blinds, to get one caller, to get multiple callers. Use the time when you don't have any decisions to make to prepare for the times when you do.

Be alert

Always have a presence of mind. Always think ahead. So for instance you've raised a flop, then you shouldn't be surprised no matter what the outcome of the flop is. Prepare yourself for every eventuality at all times.

Decide carefully

Take your time in making decisions. If it's your turn to act, always make it a point pause and think about your move, no matter how trivial it may be. This way, you'll be able to take more control of your actions and be able to have at least a minute to see if you have overlooked anything.

Keep these Texas holdem guide in mind about how to play the game and you'll surely find yourself always on top of any poker situation.

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Texas Holdem Guide - TX Poker Holdem

By: Tracy Young

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