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subject: Business Success at Your Fingertips - E-Mail is Your Sales Staff [print this page]

Business Success at Your Fingertips - E-Mail is Your Sales Staff

E-mail will be the life-blood of your on line business. Treat it as such, and entrust it to a sales person who is well versed in e-mail customer service and etiquette; consider this the next time you walk into a store and get lousy service -- and you take your business elsewhere. Be sure your e-mail correspondences says: "Hello, I'm pleased you chose to visit here; I won't waste your time; I'm intelligent; your needs are my main priority; I'm listening to you and I'll give you whatever attention it takes to satisfy you. I want you to be happy you chose to visit and I want you to return. Happy."

Business Success at Your Fingertips - E-Mail is Your Sales Staff

By: Patrick Wagner

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