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subject: A Divine Difference a Journey Makes: Book Preview [print this page]

I now know that it took everything I got to graduate from Howard University. As I recollect I was appalling to everyone but, I used my head truthfully as though I ought to be a sound ideal, before I became diagnosed with a chronic disease of the mind and a disabling disability. I just hope I can learn something else about the wealthier hope before I expend myself downtrodden.

One day I must have discovered where I truly fit distinctly in a world of precision instruments, indeed the practice. Someday I feel my intrinsic dream is all left in the appeal. In the early working attempt to please my morality, my elaborate detail, and then decisions lessened into greater contrived schemes of faction and confusion.

Today, I am blessed by my fruits of the spirit, because the aid, & fight over my inner vices. But I am constantly challenged by competitive negotiating. I trust that there is a way to improve upon our temporal needs. I am very angry for lip service. And so in my Journey have spat out the bitter sugar coated truth about our need to remain healthy conduits of communication for Jesus Christ to speak through. And as you are aware we should also be fair when we leave our testimonies which indicatively will reflect back on the Christ centered Life that we walk and live by as well.

Each time we will have all have fallen short of his glory for a renewing of our souls. Indwelling as usual is the way I see it, where we are to live happily with our thanksgiving. Incited by the level minded throngs of interpretation I can not affect thee. And as such can't be dissatisfied with our neighbors' distant accord hints. So live Stronger with strident pride. We can't make it without help from Christians or each other! Believe!

A Divine Difference a Journey Makes: Book Preview

By: Mr. Joseph Russell, Jr.

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