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A Third Party Review Of Talk Fusion – Is It A Good Business Opportunity And Should You Join?

If you're reading this article, chances are you're looking into Talk Fusion and thinking about becoming a distributor. Before you join, I want to encourage you to go over this third party review so you can make an educated decision about the company and opportunity. In this simple review, I'll cover information about the company itself, the services and the compensation plan. In addition, I'll also go into how you can position yourself ahead of 95% of your competition, should you decide to join.

Who Is Talk Fusion?

First things first, let's cover some information on the actual company. Talk Fusion is a company that sells video email and video conferencing products through a network marketing business model. The company is based in Brandon, Florida and was started in 2007. While the company was started in the US, it now operates in over 85 countries and has become the 8th largest online video content provider in the industry. This feat is quite impressive when you consider the fact that Talk Fusion has passed industry brand names like AOL and Yahoo. The corporate team, which is led by founder and CEO Bob Reina, is made up of some very experienced leaders and the company is a proud member of the Direct Selling Association (DSA). Overall, Talk Fusion looks to have the solid infrastructure needed to take them into the future.

What Does Talk Fusion Sell?

Talk Fusion sells various video products in it's portfolio. Their original and flagship product is Video Email. With this service, you can send video emails to your business and personal contacts. From a business perspective, it's great for branding and it's not hard to see why video works better than a plain text email. They also have several templates and languages to choose from. In addition to video email, they also market video conferencing services, which is great for personal and business use. An interesting service they have coming soon is Live Broadcasting, which will enable you to deliver live presentations to your audience. Another cool feature they have is the ability to share your videos on the company's Fusion Wall or even share them on 200 social networking sites like Facebook and Youtube. Lastly, they also market online business tools like lead capture services, video autoresponders

The Talk Fusion Compensation Plan

Talk Fusion provides 6 ways to make money and operates on a binary platform. In a nutshell, the compensation plan allows you to make upfront income and long-term, residual income. In addition to that, you can also earn one-time advancement bonuses, equaling a total of $11,000 if you hit the top position of Diamond Elite. There are also pools you can participate in that are based on the revenue of the entire company. It's also important to note that if you max out your business center, Talk Fusion will give you another one and place it above your original position. Another interesting feature of the compensation plan is the fact that Talk Fusion will pay you instantly, and load your commissions on a Global Cash Card, any time you make a sale.

In closing, Talk Fusion is a very solid company with a unique product line and a lucrative compensation plan. By partnering with them, you can very well be positioned to capitalize on the growing video trend in the communications industry. However, it's important to mention that those things are not enough to guarantee your success. While having a credible opportunity is obviously important, at the end of the day, your success will depend on your ability to sponsor distributors, market their services and build a productive organization. To do that, I recommend that you leverage an effective attraction marketing system that allows you to brand yourself and generate leads. If you can combine offline team building activities with online lead generation, you can very well be on your way to building a wildly prosperous business.

A Third Party Review Of Talk Fusion Is It A Good Business Opportunity And Should You Join?

By: Jaime Soriano

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