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subject: How To Build A Small Chicken Coop...without Taking 10 Years Off Your Life [print this page]

How To Build A Small Chicken Coop...without Taking 10 Years Off Your Life

Have you ever tried to build a small chicken coop? If you have, you will know that there is more to it than meets the eye.

If you are a natural at diy or carpentry, you may be able to just walk into a shop, buy a few parts and start hammering away. For the majority of us, it is very hard to blindly estimate how much wood, nails, fencing etc will be needed to build a coop we have no plans for.That's where I went wrong. Generally speaking, trying to construct anything without a proper plan or design, is a failure in ther making.

After some weeks have passed, I realised that this project was going nowhere. I was making no progress and buying more materials, just to realsie I would have to rebuild the entire chicken coop. I was at the point where had to decide whether to quit and accept defeat, or go and do some research and find some simple designs and proper plans which would not be too complicated. The search was on! The frustrating part was that the most of the plans or designs that I could find, either needed very specialised tools or materials, or were too advanced for my limited knowledge.

I decided to narrow it down to a few things that I would need to complete this task:

1) Simple, step by step, day by day plans

2) Scalable designs to fit different yard sizes

3) The use of everyday tools

4) Parts and materials which are easily available

5) Logical and practical results in terms of egg collection

6) Available support and assistance in case I get stuck

With these requirements in mind, I set off to see who could meet these demands. I will have you know, it was not simple. All the different guides and authors met some of the requirements but not all of them.

I am excited to let you know that after an exhausting search, I did locate one or two brilliant chicken coop design plans together with some fantastic additional information which, I now know, I could not have succeeded without. If you are thinking about building a small chicken coop, do yourself a favour and make sure you research the options carefully and have a clear picture and dea in mind befor you start. Preparation is everything!

by: Gary Goldman

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