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subject: Banana makes you beauty and slim [print this page]

Author: Happy
Author: Happy

Banana is a good fruit. Because it is easy to eat; it can make you feel full without fat; it has low calorie and rich vitamins. If you eat bananas often, your skin will be smooth and fine. So, banana is the most suitable fruit for those who are a little lazy but want to loose weight. Here are four ways of eating banana to help you more beautiful. 1. One cup of yoghurt plus one banana as your super If you make banana as your main food every day, I am sure that you will throw out after weeks. So lets change another way to eat banana. 2. Banana salad Cut banana into small pieces, mix up with salad, and refrigerate it for a while, and banana cuisine is done. If you think this is too monotonous, you can put some apple or any other fruit you like. It can reduce the quality of main food you eat as long as you eat a bowl of fruit salad before. 3. Yoghurt banana ice cream Different from the first one, you need to put more yoghurt into banana. Then, refrigerate it for three to four hours. The yoghurt banana ice cream is shown front you. 4. Banana oatmeal First of all, you should cook the oats with enough water. Then put small pieces banana and milk into oatmeal and cook together for five to six minutes. Actually, loosing weight by eating bananas every day will make you weak because your body is shortage of the protein and other minerals. So you should understand that banana is just a fruit to help you beauty and slim. Many other ways and tools to help you beauty and slim are at Those are more professional and helpful.About the Author:

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