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subject: Cloud computing not registering internationally, only 37 percent of small businesses aware of it overseas [print this page]

Cloud computing not registering internationally, only 37 percent of small businesses aware of it overseas

The meager percentage of small businesses aware of cloud computing throughout those countries is interesting, considering previous reports stating increased adoption of the new technology for these organizations in certain locations. In January, research from OpinionMatters expected half of of all small- and medium-sized businesses in the UK to utilize some aspect of cloud computing during 2010, up from 22 percent in 2009. In 2008, an eWeek report had stated 40 percent of domestically surveyed SMBs planned to utilize SaaS aspects by the end of that year. Lastly, in September of 2009, research from Spiceworks found 57 percent of the SMBs the company talked to use cloud computing services.

Cloud computing not registering internationally, only 37 percent of small businesses aware of it overseas

By: softwaredevnews

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