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subject: World Paper Money Collectors And Dealers [print this page]

World paper money is known as world currency or banknotes. Cotton paper with a mixture of other textile fibers is used to print the banknotes. These materials ensure the note is resilient to withstand tear and wear. Every country in the globe has banknotes that are unique.

Majority of of banknotes have similar characteristics. A watermark is one of the similarities. This is a mark of security fixed on these notes before they are printed. This mark discourages counterfeits. This watermark is visible when the money is held up to a light.

Most of these notes have a portrait of a dignitary on them for example the queen, or any other important person. In some countries, the portrait remains the same for years. In others, the government can decide to change the picture.

The notes contain a serial number. This is also a security device on the note. The serial number is usually unique for each bill. This enables the government to track legitimate bills closely.

The authority that issued the money is also printed on the notes. It is usually the authority responsible for issuance of currency in the country. The notes also have their denominations indicated. This shows the money's worth.

Counterfeiters find it difficult to duplicate the notes because of their colorful and intricate backgrounds. There are authorized signatures on these notes. These are stamps of approval to make the money official. The signature also makes the banknote a legal tender.

The date of issue is in the front of these notes. It shows the day, month and year it was issued. A serial number in form of a bar code is visible. It allows individual notes to be tracked quickly. This discourages counterfeiters too.

It is clear that you can learn so much about a country just by looking at its banknotes. You can learn the country's geography, anthropology, economics and mathematics among other things from its notes. It is no wonder many people have began collecting these notes in current years. Some of them collect as a hobby while others do it as a source of income.

There are paper money dealers all over the world. They sell these notes to collectors. Such dealers have a collection of different world currencies and keep adding to their collection regularly. They therefore have a wide variety of notes for clients to choose from.

World paper money companies are available online. Some of them have catalogs and price lists posted on them. Those who wish to inquire about a certain currency or to purchase a note can therefore get in touch with them easily through the internet.

world paper money

by: Amie Lane

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