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subject: How To Design A Sign For A Medical Business: Designing The Most Eye-catching Sign [print this page]

How To Design A Sign For A Medical Business: Designing The Most Eye-catching Sign

When considering how to design a sign for a medical business, you could do worse than to consider these simple, effective tips to create something that really sells your business while at the same time conveying a sense of professionalism and authority.

The best signs are always simple and large. Although you might initially want to get as much information as possible onto a sign, this runs the risk of overloading it, meaning that your sign could simply end up being ignored. Marketing studies have shown that the world's most instantly recognisable and iconic brands are those who keep to the basics.

Your sign should leave no doubt as to the company name and the purpose of your business. The font used in your sign might seem like a small consideration, but it can play a very significant part in selling your business. The customer should not have to exert themselves deciphering your signage!

Any text should be able to be read from a distance, so that rules out fancy, ornate script and convoluted lettering. It may look 'classy' on business stationery or in a promotional pamphlet, but this kind of lettering is simply not appropriate for a large medical sign. Try to avoid overkill when it comes to Italics or Underlining, too; less is almost always more when it comes to designing signs.

One font to avoid is Comic Sans, which is exactly as it describes itself; a font for comic books. It's remarkable how many signs use this lettering style, perhaps because it is high up in the Microsoft Word list, but it sends out the wrong message for this kind of organisation. Also try to avoid anything 'faddish' that might seem eye-catching now, but will simply end up cringe-inducing in a few years time. Remember, you want to seem professional and authoritative, not simply popular.

You'll probably notice that the most effective signs use simple, high contrast colors, often primary. Dark blue and dark green are very popular with medical companies, as is red, and there is a lot to be said for including a generous amount of white space to draw attention to the key features of your signage. Don't let your colors run into one another, avoid pastels and lighter shades if you really want to make an impact.

If you're looking to add your qualifications to a medical sign, don't let them dominate. They are there to be consulted for reassurance once interested has already been stoked in the viewer and, while important, should not be the central feature of any medical sign.

The key things to consider when thinking about how to design a sign for a medical business, are grappling with the twin demands of drawing in customers with something eye catching without coming across as tacky or unprofessional. If you find it difficult to visualize exactly what it is you're looking for, don't rule out consulting an expert in the field, who'll be able to give a professional opinion on this important decision.

by: Bobby De

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