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subject: May Day Algorithm Effects Lowering Small Business Traffic [print this page]

May Day Algorithm Effects Lowering Small Business Traffic

The May Day algorithm was put into place by Google after quality testing and research that proved it would significantly improve the relevancy of results for consumers. Some small businesses were not prepared for the switch, and have experienced lower organic traffic based upon long tail keyword searches. A broad optimization and long tail keywords are important to most small businesses because they deal with traffic from consumers in their local area. In a localized area, general searches are not the ideal way to optimize, instead having a broad optimization allows businesses to appear in the index for many possible search words. Long tail keywords are also very important as most consumers searching for a local service make use of city names, zipcodes and state abbreviations.

Designed for Justice has been research and testing new approaches to achieving high search engine traffic with whitehat approaches. Our website optimization company has implemented new strategies to help small business owners who experienced the loss regain their momentum in internet marketing. If your website has been affected by the May-Day update, you need a search engine optimization company who has the knowledge to put you back on top. Designed for Justice has developed new strategies to improve organic traffic based upon recent testing of the algorithm. Website optimization for small and large businesses will help to increase revenue by attracting new clients. If you are not utilizing website optimization, you are already behind your competition. Get on track fast by visiting our website today.

by: Designed for Justice

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