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Knowing How to Use a Cash Register

Both the owner of new business and employee must learn how to use the cash register. Learning it is useful for them to prevent fumbling at the area of checkout. Fortunately, cash registers of nowadays are not that complicated as the previous one. Today, they are simple, efficient, and fast to use.

Even, several cash registers are set up with scanner systems. The systems can give you much info that deals with the product being bought because they can send the information to computer in that store.

To use a cash register, first of all, you should ensure that the rate of tax has been programmed into the machine to calculate sales tax automatically based on your manual. To print receipts, load a roll of paper into the machine. You need to ensure that you have installed a fresh ink roller in the machine.

In addition, set the clock to read the accurate time. If the machine has a backup system, assure there is a new battery backup pack installed. Plug the machine into a power outlet and set it to "Sales" or "Regular".

Then, enter amount of the sale in the dollar, including the decimal point and change. If you could not find any change happens, you can press the key of double zeros "00". To process the product, just press "Enter". Next, you have to repeat it for each product. As you process the order, each item will print on receipt.

Press "Enter" or "Total" when you have entered the last item. On some cash registers, you must repress the "Subtotal" button to display the final total. Then, you can take the cash of customer and type it. Press "Tender" or "Cash" to open the register drawer. The change will display on the screen of cash register.

If your customer pays with a check, just press the button of "Check". In this case, ensure to get identification. Press the button of "Charge" if your machine is linked to the machine of credit card, and then swipe the card of customer in. If it is approved, the machine will display at all zeros and the receipt will print.

Knowing How to Use a Cash Register

By: Zane Marquez

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