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subject: The Internet Business Marketing Needs The Most Effective Keywords [print this page]

The  Internet Business Marketing Needs The Most Effective Keywords

When most internet businesses are one man ventures, it is important that the actions are done very economically. This means also the keywords. The keyword selection is maybe the most important piece in your internet business marketing process, so it can brake or make the results.

1. Internet Business Marketing - What Is An Effective Keyword?

This is a very healthy question. First, the keyword has to describe your business, its very nature. It is the wrong usage of energy to use keywords, which gives a false impression about your site. In that way your internet business marketing creates disappointments, which are very bad ones thinking especially the repeated customers.

If the above was about the content of the keywords, as important is their ability to rank high in the search engine result pages. Every keyword has a different status on the result page, I mean the competition. That is why it is important in the internet business marketing to dig search phrases, which have little competition but enough searches per day.

2.The Usage Of One Keywords Or Several Ones.

I have pondered lately should I use one and same keyword in all my writings to be able to rank high on the result page or to use several keywords. I have solved the problem in that way, that when I have a new root word, I first form a keyword family and write some articles using all those new keywords.

Then I track the results. When I see, that my site has improved the ranking with some keywords but not with some other words, I continue with the result bringing ones. Because I use the search engine marketing strategy, this is very important for me. I have used many keyword tools, but seen that they are not totally reliable ones.

3. Internet Business Marketing - The Competition Is Changing All The Time.

The internet is a highly competed market place. This means, that if you have reached a top ranking with some keyword, some other marketer can pick it some day. This means, that you must be able to reach several top rankings, which will bring a decent amount of traffic. And you have to track your positions.

Usually the competition is harder with the generic keywords and milder with the long tail, low demand keywords. The long tail keywords do not bring so much traffic per each single phrase, but when you have enough of them, the traffic amount is sufficient.

by: Juhani Tontti

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