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Cash Registers - An Overview

Generally, you need cash registers to calculate and record the transactions of sales. That is why, they are an important device to have. Indeed, the previous ones were absolutely mechanical. They also did not print receipts.

But, the modern ones are electronic. Even, they can perform various tasks. The well known manufacturers of these devices include Panasonic, Casio, Sharp, IBM, and Toshiba.

Related to mechanical cash register, this device was invented by James Ritty in 1879. The purpose of this invention was to avoid the workers from stealing. This device was patented in 1883. Unfortunately, Ritty sold this device to Jacob H. Eckert in 1884. Then, in 1884, Eckert sold the manufacturer to John H. Patterson. The name of the manufacturer changed to be The National Cash Register Company. In advance, this device can create the receipt because a paper roll is added to record sales.

In 1906, for the first time, Charles F. Kettering created the motorized cash registers. Charles F. Kettering himself was a worker of The National Cash Register Company.

There are many benefits you can take from a register. It is useful for recording transactions and sales. That is why, you can find it in many retail stores, shops, hotels, and restaurants.

Actually, the purpose of register invention was for preventing worker theft and embezzlement. Today, this device has many functions. Using it, you can monitor inventory, comprise the reports of sales for detailed depending on user-defined data and print the detailed receipts for the customers.

Related to the operation of this device, it consists of a mechanical or electronic calculating device that is connected to the drawer in which the money is saved. The modern ones include bar code scanners, scales, credit and debit card terminals, and check-stands. Even, today, many of them are computers that are equipped with Point of Sale (POS) software.

If you look for this device in the market, you will find that it comes in three types:

the standard register, self check-out counters, and PC-based POS systems. The first type is usually found in restaurants and retail stores. Using it, you can track the sales of a variety of departments and print receipts.

Using the second type, the customers can scan the bar code of items by themselves. So, there is no need for a cashier. Then, they pay for the products via credit card. If they want to pay for them in cash, the payment is directly through the terminal.

Meanwhile, using the third type, the cashier can scan an item's bar code. The bar code will retrieve the price and other sales information. The customer can also pay for the goods with a credit card, check or debit card. Overall, from those three types, the second type is the most effective one.

Cash Registers - An Overview

By: Zane Marquez

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