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subject: How Prepaid Spending Cards Make Business Expense Management Easier [print this page]

How Prepaid Spending Cards Make Business Expense Management Easier

The goal of any business is to grow and expand. Entrepreneurs never begin a company with the mindset that it will remain unchanged years down the road. Expanding is only possible with increased profits and greater turnover. As these fundamentals occur, more staffing must be employed, which leads directly to an increase in paperwork, particularly in regards to accounting and reporting expenses. A prepaid spending card not only assists you in staying within your budget, but it also acts as a convenient method of managing business expenses during your company"s expansion and development.

During time periods of expansion, certain employees may be issued prepaid spending cards to make business purchases without going over budget. This is incredibly useful during a company"s formative years when expenses can make or break a business. However, in order for a business to run smoothly and continue to grow, some spending must occur. By supplying employees with prepaid cards, they can never go over the set limit, which will encourage more thoughtful and budgeted spending.

The driving factor that makes prepaid spending cards so popular is the consolidation of bills. You will certainly have several employees equipped with cards and making business-related purchases, but all the cards are connected to a single account. Spending reports for prepaid accounts are often organized based on the type of transaction rather than who made it. This is a much more practical way of monitoring the total expenditure of your company, allowing you to submit accounts in a more organized way. If you have ever owned a business where separate bills from hotels, car rentals, restaurants and more bombarded your accountants, then you can truly appreciate the concept of having everything in one structured place.

Perhaps the other most interesting component of prepaid spending cards is their resourcefulness. Everyone becomes forgetful at times, but electronic spending systems do not. In the past, an employee may have become preoccupied with other business responsibilities and forgotten to submit a receipt. This leads to unaccounted-for spending that keeps the bottom line from ever coming out right. This problem is eliminated when you provide prepaid spending cards for your employees. Transition your business to a newer, more advanced electronic form of expense management by utilizing the excellent features of prepaid spending cards.

by: LisaWork

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