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Business Travel - Phuket Meeting Space

If you are searching for meeting facilities in Phuket, Thailand, then you will be happy to learn that high quality facilities are available that can fit your every need. Whether you are hosting a small business meeting or a large workshop or conference, there is a Phuket meeting space that is available and right for you.

The meeting facilities in Phuket, Thailand are able to provide more than 430 square meters of event space. In addition to size, location is also important and you will find that the meeting space is positioned just a few minutes from the airport, as well as in close proximity to popular sites and attractions.

You can expect to find a full service business center that provides translation services, secretarial services, and state-of-the-art audio and visual equipment. You need modern features in order to make your meeting more productive and you can rest assured knowing that your meeting facility offers access to computers, printers, overhead projectors, LCD projector, LCD panel, portable stages, video camera, televisions, microphones, and even polling devices.

Catering services are available in the most up-to-date meeting spaces, but you can also anticipate having access to photographers, carpenters, electricians, locksmiths, laborers, and even electricians.

For your guests, you can look forward to providing them with luxurious accommodations that include high quality restaurants and superior recreational activities including a swimming pool, spa, and fitness center. Although the purpose of your visit might be business oriented, you can still look forward to sophisticated accommodations and high quality amenities and guest services. After all, you will want to look forward to relaxing at the end of a long business day. Group bookings are also available for parties of 10 or more.

by: Jed Crowl

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