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subject: Why Social Media Matters in Business [print this page]

Why Social Media Matters in Business

For all of those who downplayed social media, these are the same people who are probably now wishing that they hadn't said a word. Today, social media plays a huge role in terms of the impact that is felt by businesses around the United States as well as around the world.

A few years back when Facebook first started up, it was used almost exclusively by college students and faculty to sort of keep up with each other and to see what was going on within their various social cliques. However, as time went on, Facebook seemed to explode, becoming the most popular social networking site on the Internet. It wasn't long before the Facebook creators opened the doors to more than just college kids who had a registered college email address. Now, the entire world was able to join in just one click. But Facebook is just one shining example of how incredibly powerful social networking can be. For some people (myself included), Facebook functions primarily as a way to keep in touch with family and friends, plan social engagements and post pictures for relatives to see so that they can keep up with your life. It's a great way to communicate and stay close to those you love and care about when you are separated by hundreds of miles. However, for many more people, Facebook is strictly for business. Now, when you look at any major business on the Internet, you almost always see a logo indicating that you can visit their Facebook page and 'become a fan'. The more fans a business has, the greater opportunity that that business will have for bringing in a larger return on investment for the items or services that they sell. The way it works on Facebook is, a business sets up a Facebook profile in order to keep their "fans" up to speed with what the business is doing. It is also a great incentive for being able to offer deal, rates and other special discounts to those who are "fans" of their Facebook page- deals that non-Facebook fans would not be allowed to receive. When someone becomes a fan, he or she will automatically receive updates from that business' Facebook page in their News Feed. This is how they find out what is going on with the business.

Overall, Facebook is a great marketing strategy to have as a part of any social networking or mobile media campaign.

Why Social Media Matters in Business

By: Hans Raymond

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