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subject: Exhibit Rentals At Trade Shows Gives You The Extra Business You Need [print this page]

Exhibit Rentals At Trade Shows Gives You The Extra Business You Need

The popularity of trade show booths rented from exhibit rentals should be evidence enough for anyone to suspect that there are certain advantages to renting rather than building trade booths. First of all, designing trade booths is an art that you need to study and master before you can even hope to build an aesthetically and functionally adequate structure. The furniture assemblies offered by trade show rentals are designed by experts who have had a lot of experience in trade exhibits and have had the opportunity to get feedback from clients. This sort of knowledge ensures that their items have most of the things clients expect to find in a commercial display. If you eventually end up buying the item you intended to rent, you will be getting more value for your cash since these items, being mass produced, are cheaper. Finally, consider the difficulty of transporting exhibit stalls. This is something you have to do if you build and own the stall.

Exhibit rentals employ master designers and craftsmen to make their display stands. These people know which materials are best for sturdiness, endurance and portability. They always update themselves about the latest materials used for making displays, from the wood or plastic to the paint. Having trained for this line of work, they will know how to make a booth aesthetically pleasing anywhere it is viewed from. These things are studied and if you try to make your own display without knowing them, you are just wasting time and a lot of resources.

Exhibit rentals will have an idea of the strengths and weaknesses of their display stands with respect to drawing clients and keeping them interested. They will undoubtedly have heard comments from people who have rented their booths and will have proceeded to renovate the models which received a lot of bad feedback from clients. This insight will also help them design newer booths better. In short, you can be sure that the display stands and furniture you get from them are sales-friendly.

Because exhibit rentals have to offer competitive prices and attractive and functional stands and furniture, you should expect to be getting more value for your money if ever you decide to buy one instead of just renting it. And because their items are mass produced, the excess materials from one booth can be used for constructing the next one. In this way each one of their booths was cheaper to make and will cost less to buy compared to your assembling your own.

Besides, the fact that you participate frequently in trade shows is precisely enough justification to rent rather than build or even buy a trade booth. Exhibit rentals will be willing to transport the furniture you selected to the site of the show. This takes that much out of your own hands so you can devote your time and effort to other things that need to be prepared. On the opposite end, if you have to bring the trade stall with you, you will need to own or rent an adequately sized van to carry the show furniture in.

I think the point is proven that renting booths from exhibit rentals is the ideal way to go.

by: Don P. Marcum

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