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Trade In Phones For Cash

The mobile phone industry is one of the biggest in the world - it generates billions of pounds a year and this amount is continuing to rise. With advancements in technology seemingly happening on a weekly basis, new phones are appearing every few months, rendering your current phone as 'out of date' in the eyes of some people, but not the phones for cash companies online!

Phones For Cash

Phones for cash is a relatively new scheme compared to how old mobile phones are, and is something that's quickly catching on around the UK and the world. Ever since the global warming scare began, mobile phones and other such objects with a battery have been targeted by governments looking to reduce the amount of electrical waste put into landfills. There are plenty of things professionals can do with an old phone or its components, which is why phones for cash companies are springing up everywhere offering money for your old phones.

If you're thinking it's going to be too much hassle for what it's worth, you are mistaken. Phones for cash deals are an incredibly easy way to make some quick cash, as you will most likely have plenty of mobiles lying around your house, or perhaps even your family's houses.

Why Do It?

Not only are you making money from something that was lying around in a drawer for years, you're also helping to save the environment.

How Do I Trade Phones For Cash?

Trading phones for cash is much easier than you may think. There are many companies online that offer you the chance to send your phone for money. However, you should always make sure you check that the company is legitimate and can be contacted via phone and an address.

The way to get your money for old mobile phones is as follows:

1. Search around your house, ask family and friends (offer them money if you are going to make more from the phone online) for old mobiles.

2. Check which phones are working, and which aren't. Next you need to log on to your computer and use a search engine (such as Google) to find websites that will give you money for your mobile, and work out how much you can make from each one.

3. Go through the process and request an envelope and address label - make sure the company you choose offers this for free, and does not try and charge you for it (or doesn't even offer it at all).

4. Once the envelope is received, send your phone(s) and wait!

5. Next you will receive confirmation that the phone(s) have been received and that they are in the condition you claimed.

6. The money will be deposited into your bank account - ensure the company you find offers this, rather than the sending of a cheque that could take weeks to end up in your account.

To save money and help the environment at the same time, consider trading your phones for cash online today.

Trade In Phones For Cash

By: Gareth Hoyle

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