subject: Acupressure Acupuncture In Washington Dc- What Are The Benefits? [print this page] Acupuncture and acupressure access points along the meridian systems and those meridian systems, there are specific points for specific conditions. These points are used either with needles or with finger or palm pressure.
Acupressure is an ancient Chinese technique based on the principles of acupuncture, and involves the use of finger pressure on specific points along the body. Acupressure is a way of accessing and releasing blocked or congested energy centers in the body. Acupressure massage therapy stimulates and activates the bodys own energies to help fight illness and restore harmony. Acupressure can help alleviate ailments such as tension, stress, aches and pains, arthritis or menstrual cramps.
The purpose of acupressure is to stimulate the body's own recuperative powers by stimulating the various points on the body. The stimulation removes energy blockages by diffusing the toxic build up that accumulates in the muscle tissue.
Acupressure is usually given in a similar fashion to traditional massage. Points on the body are massaged using finger or thumb, and sometimes a blunt object, in a fairly rapid circular motion with a medium pressure.
Massages last between 5 and 15 minutes. Some of the most common acupressure techniques are: Rubbing, Kneading, Percussion and Vibration. Fingers, hands, elbows, knees and feet are often used to massage other parts of the body. Acupressure can be performed sitting, standing or lying down.
According to Eastern philosophy, channels of energy run through the body and over its surface. These channels, called meridians, are said to be like rivers running through our bodies, nourishing our organs and tissues. The meridians start at our fingertips, connect to the brain, and then connect to the organ associated with the specific meridian. If something blocks one of these meridians, a dam-effect results, causing pain and imbalance.
Acupuncture benefits the improvement of physical health conditions as well as affective disorders and instills a feeling of increased mental clarity.
Through clinical trials, acupuncture has been proven effective in treating various medical conditions and its use has been expanded into conventional medicine practices. Multiple emotional or psychological disorders can be treated by acupuncture, which benefits addictions, phobias, obsessive behavior, eating disorders, and anxiety. Acupuncture can also be beneficial when used alongside conventional medicine treatments for both acute and chronic disease.
Therapists place special acupuncture needles just below the surface of the skin at these acupuncture or meridian points to try and stimulate them and to remove the blockages, thereby restoring energy flow. The benefits of acupuncture include increased circulation; decreased swelling and inflammation; relief from pain and muscle spasms; and increased T-cell count, which stimulates the immune system. Acupuncture provides more than pain relief. It is helpful in treating anxiety, insomnia, digestive problems, abdominal, menstrual cramps, weight control, infertility and much, much more.
If you have any back pain or sinus trouble or headaches, contact the best health care natural clinic to schedule an appointment for acupuncture or acupressure.
by: Jack Keye
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