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With the popularity of hybrid devices nowadays (be it all-in-one PCs, camera phones, GPS phones, etc), more and more of such devices are being introduced into the market every day. Most households today have a TV set coupled with a DVD player. What's inside the box? Coming with the unit is a remote control for the television itself, a set of batteries to be used for the remote control, a cleaning cloth as well as a user's manual.

It is so simple with the Toshiba 15LV505. Just plug in the cable and it is almost instantly ready for use. This tiny screen has an impressive 1366 x 768 resolution. The result of such a high resolution packed into such a small screen size is an amazing video playback quality. Playing HD movies on it was a delight. This model also supports DIVX, MP3, WMA and JPEG formats.

Brand name is the first and foremost thing you must consider while buying an LCD Television. A reputed brand that is time tested is a wise choice. You may be tempted to buy bigger TV's which comes cheaper. TV's from reputed brands offer more features and better picture quality. Even if they are smaller in size they give value for money.

The Samsung LN26B360 LCD HDTV is capable of playing 720p HD content. It has a 30'000:1 contrast ratio to produce realistic, life-like images. It also has a speedy 8ms response time. For audio, this model comes with a pair of 3W speakers that uses the SRS surround sound technology.

Gone are the days of bulky television sets where they take so much room and generally not very nice to look at. There is a change in the world of TV and great style that leads them today is the flat screen.

All of these features equate to a tremendous viewing experience and, needless to say, the 52" high resolution screen is enough to impress any of your friends and family alone.

There are various things you want to look out for if you are thinking of buying a high definition television. While all of them come with certain standard features, certain models come with some very welcome extras that can be extremely useful to certain people.

Most of these LCD reviews are generic in nature in the sense that they go into details about how the LCD screen works but there are few LCD reviews that discuss in details about the monitors that are manufactured using this technology.

Before you view specific LCD television reviews it's always a good idea to have a basic understanding of what the technology behind LCD televisions actually is. LCD screens function through liquid crystal cells in between panels of glass. Electric currents are supplied to these liquid crystal cells (LCD stands for liquid crystal display) which in turn cause each individual cell to refract only a certain specific color in the visible light spectrum.

When you feel you have enough information to make an informed decision as to which make and model of LCD TV you want, head back to your home, fire up your computer, and begin searching for LCD TVs on the Internet.

LCD Reviews

By: charlie macwer

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