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subject: Florence medieval European finance capital [print this page]

A relaxing, quiet atmosphere of the Grand Hotel "Mediterraneo" and the chef of the three domestic restaurants - Taverna, Ristorante Arno and the Ristorante Fiesole - are ready to accept you and treat features a delightful traditional local cuisine.The American Bar and Lounge you can enjoy a wide selection of drinks before and after dinner.The hotel also has two boutiques, where you can try on and choose a stylish hand-made leather goods at a great price.In the hall there is the Internet item, available 24 hours a day, where you will always be able to help our staff. Grand Hotel "Mediterraneo" offers its guests the best services to ensure a comfortable and exclusive vremyaprebyvanie: safe and convenient parking garage for those arriving by car , a wide range of class rooms (Superior, Business, Superior Classic), some of which have an unforgettable view of Florence and the surrounding hills.

Florence medieval European finance capital

By: Margaret Thompson

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