subject: Do You Want To Know Why An Opt In List Can Make You Money? [print this page] You should be proud of yourself if you have already begun to establish an email list for your online marketing business. If you have not began yet, then I am going to ask you, "what they heck you are waiting for!?" There are so many rewards of having your own list. Having a sizable email list is the nearest thing to (legally) being able to print money. Once you have a list, you can send out just one email and make hundreds, thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars within hours! And it's all 100% sincere, ethical, and legal!
The reality about Internet marketing that a whole lot of new comers don't realize is, a monstrous 98% of people that visit your page will not buy a single thing, and they will never come back. If you don't transform them into a paying customer the first time they visit, you will never make any money off of them.
Although that may sound disappointing and discouraging to hear, the excellent news is that there is a way around this matter. Build a list. If you get that individual to sign up for your email list, then you are able to contact them from time to time. What this means is you have more opportunities to make a sale to them, not just the one time they have visited your web-page.
If you use these emails as a approach to build a rapport with your visitor you may direct them to a place where they trust, and hopefully, even like you. Once you have established a relationship with them, they are more prepared to listen to your suggestions, and in the end make a purchase from you.
You must keep your emails informal, and attempt to not to make them look like a sales pitch. If you come across sounding like a high pressured sales person they will opt-out (request to be taken off your list and not receive any more emails from you) of your list and you've once and for all lost a chance to turn them into a long term paying customer.
If, however, your emails are packed with helpful or exciting information that is related to the topic of your website you will have the ideal effect of building up a rapport with them. That rapport is important in getting you that sale; once you have gotten their trust they will be eating out of your hand.
With so many individuals competing for your visitors attention, it's essential that you set yourself apart from the herd. You want to identify yourself as an expert in your field. You should never get too caught up on calling yourself and expert though. You can legitimately call yourself an expert if you know more about your chosen topic than your visitor does.
Bear in mind, no one knows everything about everything. You merely just need to know more than your visitors; compared to them, you will be an expert. If you give your list with a lot of helpful information you will become their trusted expert on that topic. They will listen to you when you make product referrals.
So do the math, if you have a huge list of individuals that you've taken the time to provide with beneficial information and established yourself as an expert, as opposed to just an obnoxious salesperson, and then every now and again you suggest they buy a certain product or service, one that you are an affiliate for, they will be much more inclined to buy and when they do you'll get a commission. And that's the power of the list, and that's how having a list can make you a ton of money.
by: Terry Sacia
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