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Restaurant Cash Register - Things You Should Know

Becoming the operator of cash register restaurant is an essential job. It is known that the operator is the person that is seen by the customers when they go into the restaurant. The operator is also the last person that customers talk to before they exit from the restaurant. Thus, he has to understand how to operate the machine properly.

To work the restaurant cash register, ensure the ticket is right. To assure the server billed the customer for the right items, you should repeat the customer's meals back to him before you enter the ticket items into the machine. If you enter the item into the machine improperly, you can remove it by pressing the key of "Delete".

Do not forget any discounts that might apply to particular menu items. Many combo items are in the machine directly, but for temporary discounts, you should enter a code. So, it is better for you to put a list of discounts that is available close to you. By doing this, you can acknowledge the right codes for each discount.

You can ask the customer if he wants to add any tips to his bill. However, some customers usually put a tip on the table or add the tip to their credit card receipt.

As the operator of cash register restaurant, you should learn the way to accept all types of different payments, such as credit cards, checks, debit cards, and gift certificates. This way is essential for running the machine properly.

Also, you should learn the way to make change. In this case, most of these machines will give you the right change needed automatically to give back to the customer. When giving it, assure to give the least amount of coins and bills.

Restaurant Cash Register - Things You Should Know

By: Zane Marquez

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