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subject: Garage Doors Automatic Or Manual? [print this page]

Garage Doors  Automatic Or Manual?

The first thing to consider when installing your garage door is the type of door you want. Today one of the most popular options is the automatic garage door. Using a remote control, the owner is able to open the door from the car or street with ease. This eliminates the hassle of trying to open a door yourself, especially if you have a great deal of items in your hands, such as groceries. Also, if you choose to get a manual garage door, the weight of the door is limited by how much you are willing to lift every time you want to move or park your car. Your options for the type of wood, metal or other material you would like the door to be are greatly increased if you decide to go with the automatic option.

In order to install your very own automatic garage door, you will need:





Drill and drill bits

Every installation is different based on the brand and model of door you choose to buy. However, no matter what type you choose, remember to set aside at least half a day for your project. It is also wise to have an assistant or two who can help you lift the door when installing it into your garage.

And if in the end you decide that installing a garage door is not for you, many reputable services can come to your home and install it for you in a few hours or less. Whichever you decide, a sturdy garage door, whether it be a New Jersey garage door or a door on your mansion in the South Pacific, is an integral part of your home and with proper maintenance can last for years.


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