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Working with a Cash Register

It is known that a cash register is an instrument that is used by the clerk of sales to count a sale and give the customers the right change and a receipt for what they have bought. A cash drawer is usually attached to this instrument. A cash drawer will open during a transaction and allow a cashier to make any change that may be needed.

One of the types is an electronic cash register. This instrument operates in a straightforward and simple way. A cashier will scan the product that has been bought by the customers with a bar code scanner. The barcode scanner will enable the register to show the current price of the product.

Then, the cashier will input the method and amount of payment that the customer has provided. The cashier will do the proper calculation to determine how much, if any change is needed. Then, when the transaction is done completely, a receipt is printed for the customer.

The record of every transaction that is done on any certain register is kept by the machine and printed out in the end of every business day. Thus, the cashier can count the cash drawers to make sure the appropriate amount of money.

Meanwhile, mechanical cash register works in the same way with electronic cash register. Then, the register calculates and the cash drawer is opened to give change. However, this instrument is connected to the inventory of a store. Also, it does not allow you to do check current prices or sales.

Working with a Cash Register

By: Zane Marquez

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