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subject: Some Tips On How To Build A Business Fixing Laptops [print this page]

Some Tips On How To Build A Business Fixing Laptops

Do you have a passion for computer and some experience in repairing them? Would you like to start up your own business and get out of your daily grind working for someone else? If you answer yes to these questions then it might well be a good idea for you to consider starting up your own computer repair business. If this sounds like something you might want to do and you want to know how to build a business repairing computer parts, here are some following tips that should help you.

Firstly, you will need to make sure you get yourself licensed. When you create any new business you need to ensure that it is all official and that you are fully registered to work within your local community.

Next you will need to name your business and brand it properly. You should come up with a unique name that is catchy and distinctive and you also need to figure out how you are going to portray your business to the public.

You should also be looking into your competition. This will be very important in learning some different techniques that they might be employing and also looking for a niche in the market that you might be able to take advantage of. You should be looking at the sorts of prices that they are charging, how they brand themselves, and what sort of website they might run.

At the same time you should be making sure you have a workshop setup where you can carry out all of your business. This will not be like a regular office where you will have your computer, desk, printer, and fax machine. Instead, you will need a space where you can repair all of the computers that you get in and additional space where all of the spare parts can be kept.

If you do consider the idea of going out to a client's house and fixing their computer there you will also need to factor this into your overall pricing scheme. Your time and the money that you will spend getting there and back will be important and you will certainly need to add this on to the cost of your labour.

Last of all, it is absolutely crucial that you carry out a full project of marketing. Your budget is likely to be fairly small in the early stages and so you should search out some very cost-effective ways of making yourself known in the area.

by: Alice Clayton

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