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subject: What Do You Consider A Great Cash Flow Deal? [print this page]

What Do You Consider A Great Cash Flow Deal?

What is a good cash flow deal? I was always taught that a good cash flow deal is when rents are 1% of purchase. In this article, rehab is already included in the purchase. So if the property rents for $1000, then you would be willing to pay $100,000 for that property. Would you be happy with that sort of cash flow? Lets do some calculations. At 6% interest on a 30 year fixed, you are paying $600. Add $200 for tax and insurance and you cash flow $200, right? Well, what about property management of $100, and vacancy of 10% or $100. Now you are breaking even. And who thinks they will never have to spend a penny on maintenance? An investor could end up negative cash flow on a deal with these numbers. Then you are left to speculate for appreciation which is completely out of our control.

I believe a good cash flow deal is when rents are 1.5 - 3% of purchase. Or rents are double PITI. In the above scenario we are looking at $1500 - $3000 in rents. That is some great cash flow. Lets look at another example of a great cash flow deal.

Duplex two 2bed/1baths

Purchase + Repairs - $50K

Market Value - $80-100K

Rent - $650/unit = $1300

Payment at 6% 30yr fixed - $300

Tax+Insurance - $100

Property Management - $130

Vacancy 10% - $130

Maintenance 10% - $130

Total Expenses - $790

Positive Cash Flow - $510

At $510 positive cash flow per month, the next question is how many of these do you need to fire your boss? If you live frugally like me 3-4 would do the trick, but 10 or even 30 would be much better. I will discuss when it is time to fire your boss in a future post. Also, in one of my next articles, I will identify markets full of great cash flow properties just like these. You can check out more posts, articles, Guides and information at

by: Ryan Moeller

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