subject: Sinusitus Treatments [print this page] Sinusitis Treatments: Sinusitis can be treated with either medications or home treatment remedies. The objectives of treatment are to: promote drainage, thin mucus, reduce swelling, relieve pain and pressure, clear up any infection and prevent permanent damage to the tissue lining the nose and sinuses.
Homeopathic remedies include consuming water, teas, and acidic fruit juices. By staying hydrated, the sinuses will sometimes naturally cleanse themselves. Another method to break up mucous is to inhale steam in a shower or by putting a towel over ones head and sitting over a bowl of steaming water. Menthol oils can be placed just inside the nasal passage or can be included in neti-pot treatments. Menthol can also be added to humidifiers or to hot water treatments.
Neti-pots are a traditional Indian remedy to flush sinuses and reduce swelling under the eyes. A saline solution is used to wash out the sinuses and menthol and other additives may be used depending on the allergy and the condition. Musinex is specifically designed to loosen mucous and other doctor prescribed treatments may help clear out a build up of mucous.
To reduce swelling and provide pain relief, apply a warm compress around the nose, cheeks and eyes. The head should be elevated when resting. Pain medications such as ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), aspirin and naproxen (Alleve) can also reduce pain and inflammation. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) will help with pain management, but it will not reduce swelling.
Treatment of infants and small children is more difficult, as children under the age of 4 should not be given any medication without the consent of their doctors. However, topical creams infused with rosemary, lavender, and eucalyptus can be used throughout the day and at night to assist with breathing and settle nerves. Eucalyptus oil can be added to a steamy bath to help open nasal passageways.
If the sinuses become infected, unless caused by a virus or fungus, antibiotics may be suggested. Decongestants (which diminish inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes), analgesics (which provide pain relief), mucolytics (mucus thinners), corticosteroids (which lessen swelling) and inhalants (antibiotics taken through the nose) may also be recommended. The course of pharmaceuticals varies based on the drug and person, but they can last any where from a few days to a few weeks or more.
Home treatment techniques are usually the only care needed to aid recovery and ease symptoms of sinusitis. Most people diagnosed with sinusitis get better without antibiotics. However, if symptoms are severe and persist for more than a few days, talk to your doctor.
For people who have complications or for those who do not get relief with other measures, surgery may be required.
by: Jerry Knight
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