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subject: Business Cash Advances: The Way To Go For Small Business Financing [print this page]

Business Cash Advances: The Way To Go For Small Business Financing

Entrepreneurs are beginning to realize that turning to the bank for capital is a complicated and highly unreliable course of action. Not only do they have to jump through several hoops to get through the complex application process and they seldom have any discretion on how to use their funds. Thankfully, the availability of business cash advances gives business owners more options.

Time is Dwindling

As anyone who has ever operated their own company will tell you, time is money. In some situations that motto is even accurate. For instance, if you are a restaurant owner and your cooler breaks down and you don't have the cash to fix it, you will see your money flush down the drain as food rots in your cooler. The same remains true when you have a ideal opportunity but have to stall weeks for a bank to endorse a loan - if they even approve it at all.

With the rapid approval process on most business advances, your money is in your account in a week under most circumstances and ensures that you have cash when you want it.

Flexible Repayment

Companies understand that their revenue will ebb and flow with demand. Reasons as small as weather or as complex as a global recession can affect how many potential buyers enter the doors. If you receive a loan from the bank, they will require you to repay the exact same amount every month, regardless of your revenues. Business advances are related to your credit card sales, so you pay back less on small months and more on strong ones. This flexibility is a real plus in the real world.

It's Your Choice

Unlike the bank, which acts as if you are too naive to make smart business assessments, a business cash advance provider lets you determine how you spend the money you take. You will not have to illustrate via a complete list of goods you wish to purchase, where you want to get them, and what you plan to do with them. Many times what feels like a good idea when you apply for a loan, isn't as valid when the funds becomes available. What is important to your business may change and business cash advances will allow you to roll with the punches of business.

by: Rodney Rabah

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